Sunday 26 July 2020

A week of trying to be normal.

This week we had a visit from my eldest son, his wife and daughter. Aged not quite eight months, Georgina is crawling, pulling herself up and toddling around furniture. She is a very smiley baby and it was a happy visit.

On  Friday Steve had to pick up books from clients so I went with him just for the ride and a change of surroundings. I love to look at gardens and houses as we drive past. It seems some people just have a knack for home making. On the outskirts of the city several flat dwellers had created the most beautiful balconies. Small areas filled with beautiful healthy plants they were a  sight to behold. In one area of the city we were caught in traffic outside three sari wedding shops , all next door to each other. The colours of the silk and the bead work was just exquisite. I'd love to properly  visit the shops before we move but this may not be possible.

Although I am still being extremely careful with regards to staying away from people other than family I do feel ready to go out a bit more. So today we went to the garden centre. Social distancing was well accommodated, everyone wore masks and we felt happy and relaxed to be there. I bought horticultural grit for my propogating, a terracotta pot and a small rosemary plant for my "fiddle garden" I have herb pots around my garden chair where I pick herb leaves and just sit crushing the leaves and smelling them. So Steve christianed it my fiddle garden!

I have completed my first fiction book in a long while.

A gentle lyrical book with vivid descriptions of the natural world. A young 16 year old boy adventures away from home during a post war Summer. He meets Dulcie, a woman mourning a loved one. He spends the Summer working for her. She introduces him to poetry and shows him that he has great potential to learn and travel and be whoever he wants to be. Meanwhile he helps her to come to terms with her loss.  Some of Dulcie's language made me cringe but it was still a good book. Throughout the book, across all the characters there was not a romance in sight, which was refreshing!

It has been a quiet, gentle week. I have very little to show for my week. Steve has taken over much of the cooking. I was always the cook of the house but I can not do it now. I have to say that,  although he has never been called upon to cook, Steve's meals are delicious and cooked much better than mine!

So a quiet week spent trying to get back to some form of normality. Quiet is good. Our new normal is very different. But life is still good.


  1. Quiet is good. We need more calm and quiet in the world today.
    Your little garden area looks very welcoming.

    1. Hello Barbara
      I have always loved quiet, even more so now.
      Thank you for your kind comments about the garden. I do love sitting there.

  2. A fiddle garden sounds lovely to sit and rest in. I would love it if my hubby would long as he washed up too. LOL!

  3. I think we are both amazed with Steve's cooking 🤣

  4. My herb pots are by the kitchen door, I'm thinking now I might just repot some of them to put around our outdoor seating area, I quite like the sound of of fiddle garden.
    Pouring down with rain here today no chance of a long walk with M'selle Fleur, we'll just have to take our chances if it clears up later.
    Have a good week, M.

    1. Hi Maggie, my fiddle garden does relax me! Lots of rain here too. I have pottered indoors - feeding houseplants and doing a few odd jobs. This afternoon I am home alone! I think I shall watch Greatest Escapes to the Country whilst sewing. Have a good week, it's supposed to get warmer and dryer....Yeah right 🤣🤣

  5. I think this easing of lockdown feels stranger than during the full lockdown. I too am trying to be cautious but at the same time want to be going out and doing more - just choosing the correct places to visit.

    Your new grandchild sounds adorable and I'm glad you got to meet up with your family. That must help.

    I like the idea of your fiddle garden as well. I'll keep that in mind when I get to planning the seating area.

    1. Hello Eileen hope your quarantine is going ok. I think you are right post lockdown is very strange and a wee bit stressful. A fiddle garden 8s very very relaxing. I have thyme, rosemary, lavender, 2 types of mint, oregano, and basil. Then nearby is a standard rose in a pot and a salvia shrub in the ground.

  6. Hello Lynn,
    So sorry to hear of your health issues and hope that you can self refer for treatment again soon.
    Forgive me for asking, but did you used to have a blog called "On the Sunnyside of the street" a few years ago? I used to live in Hereford and you sent me your "Fly Lady" books.
    I hope you have a quick sale and find a lovely new home for you both.
    I'm now back in Birmingham, we moved back in 2009 to help nurse my Dad.

    Kim Cranson

    1. Hello Kim 😊
      Lovely to hear from you. Yes I did write that blog! I think it's about 4 or 5 years since I stopped blogging.
      I hope you are well x
